
From award-winning films to cutting-edge game design, AI integration, and groundbreaking journalism, our hub stands as a catalyst for innovation. Join us at Mediacor, where ideas come alive, and the future of media and technology is shaped collaboratively.

Courses. Beginner Level

Assessment Methods in E-Learning

Understand various assessment methods used in e-learning.
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Creating Engaging E-Learning Content

Learn how to create engaging content for e-learning.
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Advanced E-Learning Techniques

Explore advanced techniques for effective e-learning.
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Introduction to E-Beginner

A beginner's guide to understanding the basics of e-learning.
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Lectie deschisa

Mediacor is a CreaTech hub within Moldova State University. We strive to bring together people from the creative industry in order to develop and move ahead the Film production & post-production, game design & development, AI, New Media Art, Multimedia & journalism products and services provided by Moldovan creatives.

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